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Fave manga:

Chihayafuru, love the art and the story. Introduced me to the colorful world of the Hyakunin Isshu, whose poems are as beautiful as they are nostalgia-inducing and heart-wrenching

Hayate no Gotoku, this was probably the first manga I read after watching the anime for a bit. Reminds me of my Kanpur days.

Death Note, is a big hit. How da heck does somebody think up a story like this?! It's mind-blowing. BTW, L or Light? (I like to say Raito, you know, Japanese version)

...Light. Hands down.

Akagami no Shirayuki hime, I love the art in this one. The story is so cute, and the characters, oh. my. gods. Have you seen their outfits?

*deep breath* SQEEEEEEEAL! Thanks, Nritya Akka!

Tsubasa to hotaru, I adore the storyline. It's like the typical coming-of-age, shoujo manga out there, with a complicated, shipyard worthy storyline.

Ookami shoujo to Kuoro ouji, is pretty humorous. Weird at first, but it grows onto you pretty fast.

Winter Woods, for its cool story and pretty art. The story is wow-worthy, though.

I've read many more manga, but these were definitely worth a mention. Any recommendations? Please, you're welcome!!

(I love shoujo, but don't necessarily mind shounen.)

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