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Back at it with a shaky nervous laugh!

It's been a while, I know. But! The Everything Fangirl is back with rants, reviews and randomness (and annoying alliterations!)

So this post is mainly going to be an update on We Finally Have a Heading, as my ship has sailed a little further in the vast, deep ocean of life (did I mention cruddy analogies?).

For those of you who didn't know, I have taken up Humanities, and my subjects are Psychology, Sociology, History, Fine Arts and English. And it finally feels like I'm in control of my life.

I'm studying subjects I have chosen and enjoy. I get time to read books, sing, paint, dance! I get to learn new things each day! I get to smirk nastily at kids in Science!


Trust me though, the world seems so much brighter...when you keep your dreams in sight.

Even the reason I write this post is my Psychology teacher encouraging me to, you know? I told her I wasn't satisfied with the way I was managing my time, and she asked me to get back to doing something I love.

So here's the thing, guys: I don't want to turn this into cheesy advice or anything, but hey! Look around!

Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now!

(sorry, couldn't resist) #HamiltonReference

If you feel like you are wasting your time, stop. Close that fat textbook. Run out, pet a puppy. Read a book. Watch some TV, eat some cookies. Or just, like, go sleep.


Alright, that's it for now. But there's more on the way, *thick, sombre tone* and I solemnly pledge to be more regular henceforth.

I recently watched Kimi No Nawa (thanks, Gowri :D) and might do a review on it, except it's so COMPLICATED. But also BEAUTIFUL, yáll. Go watch it. Also, I plan to review the latest books I have read, including Name of The Wind and Pegasus, so please read them if you can!

Before I wrap up, I wanna mention Tejaswini and Niru, who let me know that they miss my blog posts. *cries uncontrollable grateful tears* Thanks for the motivation, guys!

Stick around, everybody! You've got stuff coming!

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